This is the story I started in my other 9 blog posts about Mr.X and his 4
oh so snobby high and mighty sisters. I decided to call them "The
Kiburis..." Kiburi is swahili for grudge. As much as Mr.X insists that I'm the one who involved them by texting his sister 'Nina', he's pretty much the one who involved them by telling them stuff that he always insisted was just between us two. He even didn't want me to confide in my best friend! It was to be just us two but he never provided me with answers and on the last straw,insulting me and addressing me with so much disrespect made me think of telling his elder sister to just tell him to stop,which he didn't so bottom line,his fault. I gave him my all,treated him with so much kindness and love and he kicked it all in my face. In swahili we say, Ahsante ya punda ni mateke. The gratitude a donkey gives you is kicks. What infuriated me even further was that Nina gave out my number to the other sister,let's call her Sarah and Sarah immediately without even knowing the story from a sober and neutral point of view also started hurling insults at me!Suddenly the story was I'm forcing Mr.X to take care of a kid that's not his! Yet, remember I told you,he IS still in school and we'd talked and he knew perfectly well I expected nothing from him! His own insecurities of me carrying another man's baby made him turn everything around into I was forcing myself on him! The nerve! I'd given up too much of my pride pleasing his ego so my mum and I (I showed her all the texts) saw it fit not to argue with these people for they clearly had nothing better to do! If a sister who's never met me just starts telling me ati I need prayers ati no wonder she has a baby daddy and I don't then the other one texted me,"I hear you've met my other sister,that oughtta spice up your pathetic life." These people were having fun just throwing words at me yet if they were left without men,they'd be useless. Their lives revolved solely around men. Mr.X even texted my mother!Trying to turn my own mother against me!! Good thing my mum loves me just the way I am,human. After all,she's my mum. She told me to send back the very texts they sent to me so they can read their own level of stupidity. I went ahead and blocked them all on Facebook for they were tarnishing my reputation on their walls too!!! You see,my parents got into a marriage of convenience. The first born in my family,my sister arrived through somewhat unconventional means and since my mum was forced to drop out of school at only 16 cz her mum wasn't as understanding as my mum has been with me. Her mum told her if someone had already discovered men,then there was no need for education and kicked her out. My mum had no choice but to marry my dad and that's how the rest of us came along. Though my dad drinks a lot and is very violent,he's never failed to pay our fees and in his defense,he tries. No one's perfect. Every family has their problems and the reason I'm coming out with this story is because I'd told Mr.X in confidence when I'd see my parents arguing endlessly day after day and needed someone to talk to. He'd even heard it himself on skype! (our house is not that big,one can hear me skyping in my room from the sitting room) He pretended to give me a listening ear yet, when things went haywire btwn us,updated a very nasty status saying I had lied and his sisters went on to even mention my name and insult me on that stat!They called me twisted and psycho and disturbed...yet they are the ones who chased their own cousin out of their home for he had supposedly 'stolen' from them. This cousin,let's call him Nolan;had a CV the size of an encyclopedia! He was well educated and a gentleman yet these people were quick to throw him out when some of their things went missing! (I bet they're the ones who stole from amongst themselves)but they were always quick to judge and point fingers at others...tsk. I knew I had a life to live and would never trust people as easily as I once did. And the things I do,being a go-getter,not everyone is happy with my success. I get attention naturally and good praises and they used that to insult me,telling me I was an attention seeking lowlife (since they get none,ouch!)I won't blow my own trumpet but I'll say,I'm happy with what I've achieved at 20 and born and raised in Kenya. Getting on a plane for the first time and going to France out of my own effort and when I least expected it, God helping me with my music that is aired frequently and my writing to name but a few. Not everyone can be your friend on the way to the top;it can be quite a lonely journey but you only have one life so LIVE IT! People like Mr.X and family are everywhere,but at the end of the day, it's only what YOU think about YOU that matters and your REAL family,despite the hurdles here and there,can never desert you. Now,I'm just excited to be 31 weeks pregnant!Can't wait for Baby Doremy! My handsome son... and my folks have never been more supportive. I love what God has given me. :)

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