Let's face it. Even those who hate flowers or hate the sight of PDA's (Public Displays of Affection) or most precisely do not believe in love cannot ignore the fact that some people are truly and madly in love. And they are everywhere! (Even when you try to avoid them) In most countries, they have no problem showcasing it on the streets. It could be the mere gesture of holding hands or putting hands around one another maybe even kissing on those very streets! *bleurgh* Anyway, this is beside the point. The point of my article, To be or not to be as in the opening phrase of a soliloquy in William Shakespeare's play Hamlet, is about character and character traits. Why do some people turn bad from good or good from bad? Is it a mere choice of being? Is that really the question? What shapes an individual to be as he/she is? What unshapes (I know it is not a word) that individual and his/her relationship with others? Valentines being just around the corner, I will focus on love, for now. What makes two people fall really deeply and I don't know, one ends up cheating or the other person's feelings change? We hear of love at first sight. We hear of unrequited love, true love and oh, players. We still get to hear of heartbreaks from the least expected couples and hidden affairs from the least expected people! Is it choice? The other day, I thought this guy would move mountains for me. He was my knight in shining armor. Turns out, he was just like the rest. You do 99 good deeds but people only focus on the 1 bad deed you did. Boohoo, cry me a river. So I decided, is it worth being good? Showing so much love to people yet the moment you slip, that is the moment they will recall and remind you for the rest of your life. So here I am saying, if you really love someone, you should not just show them on one day of the calender! (Hey! Even calenders differ) I'm not completely dismissing Valentines. I'm just saying just like how people only remember to focus on the one bad deed, which they shouldn't; this should not be the case with love. Merely focusing on a preempted day because somebody somewhere marked it to be so. If you really love someone, you should show them every chance you get, especially when they are at their weakest or most vulnerable position. When they think they have wronged the world by a series of wrongdoings and failures they failed to avoid. A friend in need is a friend indeed. With that in mind, you cannot claim to care for someone yet mock them and their weaknesses any chance you get. That someone is a human being and you making them unreal to you, like some movie character (Hey!Even those come alive) will cause you to lose them forever. With that in mind, have a happy valentines and think love be it between you and family, you and a friend, you and a lover or just you and yourself. Just how much of your emotions are you in control of?How much of your emotions are you willing to let people control? And most importantly, how does this affect your behavior?